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Eisenhower Golf Course Stream & Wetland Restoration - Luke Feight, project superintendent

The stream restoration work at Eisenhower Golf Course was a very unique and challenging project for our team, which cultivated in a great final product for Anne Arundel County and the golf course itself. The scope of EQR’s work consisted of the installation of several types of in stream structures, creating floodplain connectivity for the streams throughout the course, as well as the installation of several boardwalks, which the latter was outside of our normal wheelhouse. The work was centered on the rehabilitation of Broad Creek, which meanders through the course, as well as numerous tributaries that connect to it. At the height of the project, EQR had 6 construction crews working simultaneously in different areas of the project site, as well as 5 subcontractors performing various activities, including the installation of the boardwalks. As you can imagine, sequencing all these moving parts, especially in the midst COVID, was a major challenge during this project. The team worked together to keep crews and individuals separated, yet they were still able to assist each other and communicate effectively as to ensure the successful completion of the work.

EQR crews installed a myriad of different types of in stream structures, including Log Valley Grade Controls, Boulder Valley Grade Controls, Log Vane Riffles, Boulder Jams and Log Jams. They also cut a much wider floodplain, compared to what had been there before, and created a meandering channel throughout its footprint that allowed for more connectivity to said floodplain during storm events. In some areas, where the stream had originally been around 3 feet wide or so, with no floodplain, we created a 5 foot channel with up to 60 feet in floodplain width to give the stream channel relief during periods of higher flow. All the spoils from cutting these soils were transported to 8 different locations throughout the course and graded out to match existing features from the recently completed golf course renovation. Some of these areas took 1000+ cubic yards of material, and due to the efforts made in grading them out and sodding, one would have a difficult time determining where we had placed them.

Aside from the stream work, the other major portion of the project was the construction of 17 boardwalks throughout the site, which were installed by one of EQR’s subcontractors, Dissen and Juhn. These boardwalks were made entirely of prefabricated concrete sections that were pieced together to achieve the final product. Many of these boardwalks were placed in areas where EQR had previously constructed much wider floodplains, which had been inundated from storm events, as the ultimate design had entailed. This obviously led to extremely wet conditions during the boardwalk installation process, but the entire project team worked together to fight through those issues as they came up.

In all, working on a golf course held its fair share of challenges that differed from our stereotypical projects that are usually deep in the woods or in a pond within neighborhoods or adjacent to roadways. As the surrounding areas are extremely sensitive in nature (i.e. greens, fairways, irrigation/drainage lines and tee boxes) EQR’s crews and subcontractors had to exercise great caution while utilizing heavy equipment and transporting materials in order to protect the assets Anne Arundel County, MD and Eisenhower Golf Course had across the site. In addition, the consistent watering of the course, which was necessary in order to keep the fairways, greens and tee boxes alive and well throughout the course of the project, led to very wet site conditions that the team had to plan for and overcome during construction.

EQR is proud of the final product as well as the teamwork showcased between multiple crews and subcontractors, especially during the COVID pandemic. We hope, as our work settles in and vegetation continues to thrive, that the course will see a healthier ecosystem establish in the areas we have constructed. We look forward to playing a few rounds of golf when the asphalt paths are completed and the course re-opens, if not to just admire the efforts of various individuals dedicated to the prestigious notion of protecting our region’s natural resources. Hopefully, we will be just as proud of our golf scores as we are of the conglomerative efforts of all involved with this project.

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